Seeing the results of volcano's moods leave you in front of gigantic breakages of nature into nature, little human being cannot stop such ruptures, all man can do is research: to fasten such impressions in a painted way is my attempt.
"don't step on Guanacaste", egg tempera on canvas, 2015, 100 x 80 cm
powerless vs fascinated
Here just one example: 2007 the French island in the Indian Ocean, LA REUNION had to register at its volcano Piton de la Fournaise/Dolomieu, the outburst of the century. Now, in 2010, you can step on these lavafields at places, but WITH SHOES on: it's still warm!! You walk on crusts of MELTED EARTH and within the reach of your eye's sight you can see a still glooming crater. The feeling to have come rather close to the deep inner earth is imminent and absolutely incredible.
..comments from the atelier about the above works
An absolute highlight with regard to this tropical paradise (island without malaria) is certainly the view from high above which is possible because of high mountains (above 3000m) and deep valleys (about 1000m), all on rather small square kilometer dimensions which cause rather steep abysses. It is an absolute must also to go hiking and discover the island on foot, you feel top fit even thinking of it. Everywhere you are surprised with great views of rock and vegetation, staying for a while at its nicest places is just as important, like I did for example at the 'Oratoire Col des Boeufs': I had withdrawn here in order to paint, came around a rock nose and ended on a platform on which I discovered relicts of religious acts, thus giving the name 'oratoire' in its meaning a holy validity. My curiosity led me to the ballustrade above the abyss. When looking along the rocky wall I noticed the rock nose in form of a little doggy, for sure I had to make a drawing of same. All above brushpen drawings and aquarelles were made on the spot in plain nature straight into my drawings-book or onto my watercolour block. Such impressions I do take along into my atelier, and here I am working on a series of paintings on the subject, in techniques of acrylics and egg tempera with incorporated volcanic sand collected especially for this purpose, paintings which can soon be seen here.